In his decades-long and distinguished career as a poet, Bargen has turned to the atrocities of war as his subject matter on many occasions. None of his previous work, however, in this vein matches the power and haunting terrors of his new volume of verse about the Ukraine war with Russia. The subjects he tackles run the gamut of the worst of human behavior. He writes about shivering children, madmen, dead bodies lying in the streets for weeks, and children running, screaming and diving for cover, and he does so with the knowledge, passion, and poetic skill of a literary artist at the peak of his powers.
About the Author
Walter Bargen has published 19 books of poetry including Days Like This Are Necessary: New & Selected Poems, Endearing Ruins/Liebenswerte Ruinen, Trouble Behind Glass Doors, and Gone West/Ganz Im Westen. His awards include the Chester H. Jones Foundation prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and the William Rockhill Nelson Award. He was appointed the first poet laureate of Missouri (2008-2009) and is the first poet included in Moon City Press's Missouri Authors Series.
Product Specifications
Published by Spartan Press, 2024. Paperback, 120 pages.